Accredited Investor Questionnaire

Information regarding any investment in Bulldozer Camp and L9 LLC is only available to individuals and entities qualifying as Accredited Investors within the meaning of Rule 501 of Regulation D under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. Each prospective investor must complete and sign the following questionnaire and return it by standard mail or by fax to L9 LLC. The prospective investor will be given access to information upon determination of Accredited Investor status based upon the facts disclosed in this questionnaire and any other facts about the investor known by L9 LLC.

Download a printable copy of this form. (Note: Adobe Acrobat Reader software will be required to open this PDF document. If necessary, you can download a free copy from Adobe's web site.)

The signed and completed questionnaire should be mailed or faxed to:
Attention: President's Office
410 Broadway East #101
Seattle, WA 98102-5010 USA

Our fax number is 1.206.686.3868.